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Showing posts from December, 2022

नर हो न निराश करो मन को - सम्पूर्ण कविता

नर हो, न निराश करो मन को। कुछ काम करो, कुछ काम करो जग में रह कर कुछ नाम करो यह जन्म हुआ किस अर्थ अहो समझो जिसमें यह व्यर्थ न हो कुछ तो उपयुक्त करो तन को नर हो, न निराश करो मन को। संभलो कि सुयोग न जाय चला कब व्यर्थ हुआ सदुपाय भला समझो जग को न निरा सपना पथ आप प्रशस्त करो अपना अखिलेश्वर है अवलंबन को नर हो, न निराश करो मन को। जब प्राप्त तुम्हें सब तत्त्व यहाँ फिर जा सकता वह सत्त्व कहाँ तुम स्वत्त्व सुधा रस पान करो उठके अमरत्व विधान करो दवरूप रहो भव कानन को नर हो न निराश करो मन को। निज गौरव का नित ज्ञान रहे हम भी कुछ हैं यह ध्यान रहे मरणोंत्‍तर गुंजित गान रहे सब जाय अभी पर मान रहे कुछ हो न तजो निज साधन को नर हो, न निराश करो मन को। प्रभु ने तुमको कर दान किए सब वांछित वस्तु विधान किए तुम प्राप्‍त करो उनको न अहो फिर है यह किसका दोष कहो समझो न अलभ्य किसी धन को नर हो, न निराश करो मन को। किस गौरव के तुम योग्य नहीं कब कौन तुम्हें सुख भोग्य नहीं जन हो तुम भी जगदीश्वर के सब है जिसके अपने घर के फिर दुर्लभ क्या उसके जन को नर हो, न निराश करो मन को। करके विधि वाद न खेद करो निज लक्ष्य निरन्तर भेद करो बनत

France Abolish Monarchy and Become a Republic

The situation in France continued to be tense during the following year. Although Louis XVI had signed the Constitution, he entered into secret negotiations with the king of Prussia. Rules of other neighboring countries too were worried by the development in Frence and made plans to send troops to put down the event that had been taking place there since the summer of 1789. Before this could happen, the National Assembly voted in April 1892 to declare war against Prussia and Austria. Thousands of volunteers thronged from the provinces to join the army. The saw this as a war of the people against kings and aristocrats all over Europe. Among the patriots songs they sang was the Marseillaise, composed by the poet Roget de L'lsle. It was sung for the first time by volunteers from Marseillaise as they marched into Paris and so got it's name. The Marseillaise is now the national anthem of Frence. The revolutionary wars brought losses and economic difficulties to the people. Whil

France Become a Constitutional Monarchy

The National Assembly a Completed rhe draft of the Constitution in 1791. It's main object was to limit the power of the monarch. These powers instead of being concentrated in the hand of one person, were now separated and assigned to different institutions- the legislative. The Constitution of 1791 vested the power to make lows in the National Assembly, which was indirectly elected. That is, citizens voted for a group of electors, who in turn chose the Assembly. Not all citizens, however, had the right to vote. Only men above 25 years age who paid taxes equal to at least 3 days of a labour's wage were given the status of active citizens, that is, they were entitled to vote. The remaining men and all women were classed as passive citizens. To qualify as an elector and then as a member of the Assembly, a man had to belong to the highest bracket of taxpayers. The Constitution began with a Declaration of the Right of men and citizen. Right such as the right to life, freedom of spee

French Society During the late Eighteenth Century

In 1774,Louis XVI of the Bourbon family of king ascended the throne of French. He was 20 years old and married to the Austrian princess Marie Antoinette. Upon his accession the new king found an empty treasury. Long years of war had drained the financial resources of French. Added to this was the cost of maintaining an extravagant court at the immense palace of Versailles. Under Louis XVI, French helped the thirteen American colonies to gain their independence from the common enemy, Britain. The war added more than a billion livres to a dept that had already risen to more than 2 billion livres. Lenders who gave the state credit, now began to obliged to spend an increasing percentage of its budget on interest payment alone. To meet its regular expenses, such as the cost of maintaining an army, the court, running government offices or universities, the state was forced to increase taxes. Yet even this measure would not have sufficed. French society in the eighteenth century was divided i

Marco Polo Complete Story

Marco Polo was a merchant and an adventurer.  He travelled with his father and uncle from Venice (Italy) to China. Marco Polo a spent 17 years in China before returning to Venice. Let us read and learn more about this adventurous explorer. Long, long ago when there were no planes and trains, no a cars and buses, people had to travel to other countries by ship or caravan. Marco Polo was one such traveller who went to many countries because he wanted to learn about the people, their food habits and their culture. Marco Polo was bor in Venice in 1254. When he was 17, he set out on his first voyage with his father, Niccolo and his uncle, Maffeo, He wanted to visit China to find out about the country and its people. It took him three years to reach China. Along the way he visited many great cities andsaw many sites including the holy city of Jerusalem. He also saw the mountains of the Hindu Kush, Persia and the Gobi Desert. He met a lot of different people and had many adventures. The wealt

नमक का दारोगा - सम्पूर्ण पाठ

जब नमक का नया विभाग बना और ईश्वरप्रदत्त वस्तु के व्यवहार करने का निषेध हो गया तो लोग चोरी-छिपे इसका व्यापार करने लगे. अनेक प्रकार के छल-प्रपंचों का सूत्रपात हुआ, कोई घूस से काम निकालता था, कोई चालाकी से. अधिकारियों के पौ-बारह थे. पटवारीगिरी का सर्वसम्मानित पद छोड़-छोड़कर लोग इस विभाग की बरकंदाज़ी करते थे. इसके दारोगा पद के लिए तो वक़ीलों का भी जी ललचाता था. यह वह समय था जब अंगरेज़ी शिक्षा और ईसाई मत को लोग एक ही वस्तु समझते थे. फ़ारसी का प्राबल्य था. प्रेम की कथाएं और शृंगार रस के काव्य पढ़कर फ़ारसीदां लोग सर्वोच्च पदों पर नियुक्त हो जाया करते थे. मुंशी वंशीधर भी जुलेखा की विरह-कथा समाप्त करके सीरी और फ़रहाद के प्रेम-वृत्तांत को नल और नील की लड़ाई और अमेरिका के आविष्कार से अधिक महत्व की बातें समझते हुए रोज़गार की खोज में निकले. उनके पिता एक अनुभवी पुरुष थे. समझाने लगे,‘बेटा! घर की दुर्दशा देख रहे हो. ऋण के बोझ से दबे हुए हैं. लड़कियां हैं, वे घास-फूस की तरह बढ़ती चली जाती हैं. मैं कगारे पर का वृक्ष हो रहा हूं, न मालूम कब गिर पडूं! अब तुम्हीं घर के मालिक-मुख़्तार हो. ‘नौकरी में ओहदे की